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Sunday, 9 September 2012

Carboot bargains and my Sam

Hi all, well another quick post as i have got family staying here til Monday (been here since thursday) but thought i would give you a update on Sam my dog and show you the stamp bargains i got at a carboot sale.
This is Sam relaxing at home on his first night home :)

This is Sam today

Sam is responding well to all his medications and on a bland diet for a little while. He went back for more blood tests on friday and now awaiting those results. But he is able to go out on walks now,although they are short ones and climbs the stairs and so much happier being at home though he has aged bless him (he will be 11 in october) and sleeps lots.
Anyway took my mum to the carboot sale today whilst son dog sat and managed to get these super bargains
Got all of them for £3 so happy bunny :)

Anyway better get back now and sort out tea for everyone but i know some of you wanted to know how Sam was doing.x


  1. Glad Sam is on the mend and you got your booty bargain! Jx

  2. Wow Kay he looks so much better already. Love the bargains, I bet it was quiet without us. Hugs, Amanda x

  3. Oh, sorry I somehow missed your earlier post. Poor Sam, I'm so pleased that he appears to be on the mend now.
    Fabby bargains!!

    Hugs Sue

  4. glad to hear he's feeling a bit better, he is looking good xx fabby stamps too Kay xx

  5. Sweet little Sam looks lovely all curled up under his blanket, hope he's feeling better.
    Your bargains are great Kay, enjoy your new stamps. xxx

  6. aaw glad he is a little better Kay and fab bargains... x carol

  7. Good to see Sam back home again, poor little love. Great bargains Kay, enjoy. Annette x

  8. Oh Kay,look at his lil face I just love him to bits.I am so glad to see he is hopefully on the mend.Fingers n toes crossed.Love your stamps too hun.Keep in touch.Huge hugs to all xx Huge Gentle cuddles for Sam.Hope I'v typed this ok as have a massive bandage on me finger lol.xxxx

  9. Aww bless him he looks so sweet asleep with his blanket :) So glad he is doing well Kay , I have been thinking about him and of you. Lovely bargains to ..why am I never in the right place :(

    Kerry x

  10. So pleased to hear that little Sam is on the mend bless him Macy sends him a stiff and a lick. Great bargains hugs Ginny


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