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Friday 12 April 2013

My Sam

Thought you might like to see a pic of my dog Sam. He's been on more medication again lately including extra baths for skin and can you tell he's not exactly thrilled. Lol

Sam will be 12 in October and at the moment is crashed out asleep on the sofa snoring away as he has such a hard life!


  1. Oh how cute, he definitely doesn't look thrilled. Hugs, Amanda x

  2. Oh dear, naughty Mummy, washing Sam! Lots of treats are in order I would say judging by his expression!

  3. Aaaww he is sooo cute, my Nippy is not a bath fan either, we did have a wetroom in this house and showering him in it wasnt too bad, but we've just had a conversion and gone back to having a bath, so im expecting similar grumpiness very soon from the furry chap!

  4. He is so adorable. Hope his medical condition improves soon.
    Michaela xx

  5. aaaaah poor little mite, but he is so adorable. Hugs Annette x

  6. Poor Sam Macy had to go to the vet today same thing she is on antibiotics shampoos and steroids.It is the 10 minutes you have to wait.
    Hope Dam feels better soon and he enjoys his sleep bless him xxx

  7. Now he needs to be arrested as he's an absolute heart-stealer!

  8. Awww,What a cutie....poor little boy...hope he gets better soon....Julieannex

  9. Oh sweet is this little chap, my dog looks that miserable too when I bath her

  10. He is just gorgeous!! What a cutie xx

  11. Whisper is exactly the same - she will go into stagnant water, but clean water and she becomes a donkey !!!, i hope poor Sam gets better soon ,Luv Sam x

  12. Awww how cute, hope he is better soon

    Lorna xx

  13. Hello Sam, are you still lovely and clean.

  14. aww l want him so cute x

  15. Ahh he is so adorable, hope he is feeling better after his bath and sleep.

  16. Ahh, Sam is so cute, I hope he is better now. Tinaxx

  17. Awww, he's so cute!!! Maddy x

  18. Really cute looks like our new puppy who is crashed out asleep on sofa too after racing around garden all morning
    carol x


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