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Sunday, 2 March 2014

Altered Mirror

Thought you might like to see my altered mirror that I made last week when my crafting buddies came to play. It started off as a plain wooden Ikea mirror and with the help of some embossed card, acrylic paints, mod podge and Artisan water oil paints turned into something rather different.

And just to prove my buddies were working rather hard here's a pic of them and our finished masterpieces which just needed to dry for a few days before adding the final gloss coat.

Aren't they all fab. Really enjoyed doing that and the mirror will be going to my mum for Mothers Day for her hall.
We also made our Faux leather covers using Sheena's tutorial but will blog that later as need to finish the inside first which could take a while lol.
Hope you all have a fabulous Sunday and happy crafting.x


  1. My goodness Kay. What a transformation. No wonder you All had so much fun doing these. I bet your Mum will treasure it too. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. Oh Kay you all worked so hard and just loving the colours yo all picked. Love how the colour picks out the embossing. Have a good day

  3. love the mirror project, one of the good ones, which we actually managed to finish, (except the top coat, as had to wait a few days for it to dry!)they all looked so much better in real life! thanks for a great day kay! xx

  4. So gorgoeus Kay. The textures look wonderful and I love the colours.
    Sue xx

  5. Oooo wow, what an amazing transformation, Luv Sam x

  6. WOW! All the mirrors turned out fantastic.

  7. Oh WOW Kay,they are all so gorgeous what fab imagination you all have.Your mum will love it.You are all so talented.Do hope you and family are all well,not forgetting the star of the show "Sam",give him a cuddle from his No 1 fan wont you.Hugs xx

  8. WOW amazing, I bought 2 of their mirrors for such a project, one day..... BJ

  9. What a fab project. They all look wonderful in their different colours. Looks like you all had a lot of fun. Tinaxx

  10. Gorgeous mirrors there Kay. You have all done a great job on the mirrors.

  11. Lovely transformation which has given me an idea what to do with a set of 5 similar frames I have crammed in drawer somewhere! :)

  12. This is stunning what a wonderful effect Ginny x

  13. Fantastic altered Mirror Kay . . . will make a lovely gift for Mother's Day. xxx

  14. Gorgeous mirrors, looks like you all had a brilliant day

  15. Simply gorgeous. Love Alison xx

  16. Hi Kay, thanks for stopping by and leaving such wonderful comments!

  17. Brilliant transformation and great gift
    carol x

  18. These mirrors look great. Ikea is a reasonable priced shop to buy from and you have made these look so expensive & unique x

    hugs sally x

  19. gorgeous mirror - love the colours x

  20. wow super frames Kay and it certainly looks like you were all very busy having fun ... sorry I have not visited for a while ... have a great week ... happy crafting and love sandy xx

  21. Beautiful mirrors, Kay. I have altered quite a lot of these and they are a gift for an artist - all that lovely flat space around the little mirror!

    Thanks for your visit, and I'm sorry you didn't make it to the Devon County Show. It was a big disappointment for a lot of people that it was cancelled because the ground became waterlogged. We are very glad we went on the first day. Thanks for the info about the felting - I did see Joan Prowse but not to speak to - she was busy with somebody else. One day I might get to a workshop!



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