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Wednesday 28 March 2012

WOYWW and my altered book

Well this week has zoomed by,just a few more days and its my time off for the easter holidays and i am looking forward to some serious craft time instead of the few minutes here and there, also pleased to report that my cold has finally gone, hurray :)  Anyway i am showing you my desk today as i have become a fan of the trend setter Julia from Stamping Ground who encourages everyone to reveal whats on their desks on a Wednesday no matter how tidy or messy they are! ( i am definately a tidy
This is my desk at the moment or i should say as off late last night and you can see my altered book with its niche,been following the fab tutorials over at Elizabeths blog Altered book lover and really enjoying learning something new. My theme is my blog,nickname and its history. On my desk you can see various glues,acrylic paint (touch up a area on book) ink pads and my spider stamps and at the back my beaded spider coaster which a lovely friend Teresa got me from America.
This is my book before i covered the niche all clamped and waiting for the gel medium to dry propped up by my favourite drink. Anyway off to link up and have a nosey at some blogs before work. Thanks for popping in and i will return the favour,x


  1. Well it's a bit messy today, loving the book and can't wait to see the finished book. Don't work too hard today and remember to relax on your time off. x

  2. The book looks great Kay, love all the spiders too. Hugs, Amanda x

  3. Kay, your desk is Pristine compared with my paper crafting area in the garage!

  4. Trust me - this is sooo neat and tidy! Love the book and all those spiders. Di xx #16

  5. How do you keep your desk so tidy mine looks like a whirlwind has blown through. Love the book. Alison xxx

  6. Looking good have a great time crafting Ginny x

  7. Your AB is coming along nicely! Take care & enjoy this weeks snoop of WOYWW desks. Zo xx 77

  8. Ooh! that book is looking good! Wonder what will fill the niche?! Happy WOYWW x

  9. I read about this altered book and maybe I gonna give it a try too. Yours looks wonderful and the second picture shows a real professional way of working :-) Thanks for sharing and I look forward to see the next stage. Bye, Franka

  10. The AB is coming along its looking fabulous!!! Have a great week, Hugs May x x xNo14

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Your AB is coming along really well and I love your creative space :)

    Take care and have a fab WOYWW, Luv Karen xx #91

  13. Your book looks great!
    Happy WOYWW Wednesday!
    Hugs Marleen;-) #59

  14. Your altered book is coming along nicely Kay.
    I saw Elizabeth’s tutorial and was tempted by it but it’s so far out of my comfort zone that I’ve not succumbed and taken the plunge as yet.

    Thanks for stopping by this week.
    Happy Crafting!
    Glad to hear you’re feeling better now…..just hope mine goes quickly too.

  15. I do love a tidy desk! Your book looks fantastic!!

  16. Hi Kay,

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I know I did the right thing but I have times of second guessing myself.

    Your desk looks nice and tidy and the altered book project looks interesting.


  17. well your book is coming on great! I've decided mine is too thin, well, it's not, but I need the nitch in side deeper! Great snoop! Happy WOYWW
    (Lyn)) ~18 or #19

  18. What a fab idea to do a AB based on your blog! I might do one of those too! lol Well, after I finish the first one anyway! So glad to take a peek at your progress, have you linked it up on Elizabeth's blog yet? waving hi from my balcony in the hills of North Carolina :)

  19. Oooh, fun niche!! I stink at cutting those . . .


  20. Love the spidery spread in your altered book -- the silver ink is perfect against the black. I feel myself getting sucked into wanted to do one sometime. But it will have to be a seriously terrible book before I'll feel I can destroy it! (Thanks for visiting my blog.) Happy Wednesday from #152. :)

  21. Thanks for stopping by and yes, it is Julia! Duh!

    Your desk looks super busy.

  22. Wow! That is quite impressive how you have the niche clamped within an inch of its life. I like how the book is coming along. A beaded spider coaster?! Cool! Although... not sure if that would encourage guests to use a coaster or run screaming.

  23. yup way too tidy... Although that's usually the way I prefer having my desk when I start projects. Thanks for the comments on my desk. Have fun with your altering the book.
    Have a great day

  24. Thanks for visiting my desk Kay. I wish my desk looked like yours, I am a messy crafter, and my hubby can't believe how much mess I make in the kitchen. Oh dear! Love your spider in the loo.
    Lottie x

  25. Busy desk, love the look of the journal.

  26. What a fabulous subject for your AB - I hope we get to see some of the pages and read all about your name and how it originated.
    Hugs, Neet #5 who has blog candy on offer xx

  27. A very tidy crafting indeed. Love your book and glad you are feeling better. Roll on the holidays!
    Hugs Erika.

  28. I like the theme you have chosen and I don't mind spiders at all. We sometimes have massive ones scuttling across the carpet - just pick up our feet and ignore them. Good to see so many ABs on the go and watch everyone's progress.

    Ann B

  29. Good Morning! Still trying to make all the rounds to the desks. have a great day!

  30. Now it's funny, I don't mind spiders, but webs give me the heebie-jeebies! LOL

    Wouldn't mind seeing a close up of that beaded coaster?

    Thanks for stopping by!

  31. Your book is coming along great, I am following with interest but not found time yet to join in. Hope to soon. Amy #128

  32. Your AB is looking cool! I would be way to scared to try and make one of those. I haven't even had a go at a journal page yet! Thanks for visiting my desk and have a fab and creative week xx

  33. Kay, your altered book looks most intriguing! This is not something I have ever attempted. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. The knitting is coming on apace now - it's something I can get on with while resting with my feet up - still feeling rough but hoping it will soon pass!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #12

  34. the book is coming along great
    Bridget #79

  35. Fun to see the progess of the book. It's looking good! Barb

  36. Love the book...and all the spiders!

    Sara S. #22

  37. I must admit with being a newie to WOYWW I'm mystified by the altered books so will watch to see the finished article.
    Love all your spiders and cute Sam ;D
    Happy WOYWW Neesie #30

  38. That's a nice neat desk you have there Kay. I thought at first the niche in your AB was an unusual shape, but see from your main photo it's square. I did think about doing a different shape for mine, but in the end settled for a square.
    TFS x
    Thanks for already visiting my desk this week
    WoYwW # 3

  39. The altered book is looking really interesting, can't wait to see it finished.
    Have a great week and thanks for the visit.
    Von #47

  40. How can you be in the middle of a project like that ...and still stay so tidy lol xx 17

  41. Wow, that's a neat desk and an awesome book. I haven't tried that yet.

    And, no, that's not my baby picture on my desk, it's our oldest son and our granddaughter.
    ;-) #28

  42. Your book is looking great! I didn't know there were themes to these altered books! I think yours is a great theme and i hope we will get to see more when it is done!
    Thanks for the visit earlier!
    xoxo Karen

  43. You are such a tidy crafter, I'm in awe!!
    Loving the spider on your book, it's great to see how everyone's ABs are coming along.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #109

  44. I had almost talked myself out of doing an AB, but I keep coming across so many of you gals working on one...I just may have to try it. At my own pace, cuz I'll never catch up! lol!

    Love your desk! Have fun crafting over Easter vacation and thanks for visiting my blog!

  45. What amazing books, love them x
    Sophie no.183

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Good morning Kay, well I'm more awake to leave comments this morning, I think I would have been calling everyone the wrong names last night I was so tired.
    Your book looks fab, you are so clever at this altering things, I love your desk and I'm so glad you liked your coaster. Hope you have a great weekend. Hugs Teresa xx

  48. Looks like such a cool book!
    I am a tidy scrapper, too for the most part :)
    Enjoy your holiday and hope you get in some crafting time :)

    Mary Jo #125

  49. my daughter would have a heart attack at all those spiders am going to check out the altered book blog carol x

  50. Hi Kay, what a tidy crafter you are! I try but I don't think I will ever be as tidy as you
    The Book looks great, you will get lots more time on it when you are on holiday. xx
    Hugs Mau xx

  51. Those spider stamps are just brilliant! #77

  52. I love the book, and how neat your desk is! I'm jealous!


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