Thanks for taking the time to follow my blog,x


Monday 27 May 2013


Hi all,am setting up bloglovin ready for when google reader goes in July so I can still follow your blogs,x
Follow my blog with Bloghot rod!lovin
Hopefully if you click on this link you can see me blog,off to set up a shortcut now.
So if you don't want to lose me in July please click on the widget to the left of this post and you will have the option of using either google reader until it goes or start using bloglovin x
UPDATE - if you don't use google reader don't worry you don't need to change. Most peeps use the dashboard facility and that isn't going. But I like the bloglovin features x


  1. Hi Kay I am following you on bloglovin hope you are enjoying the weekend Ginny x

  2. am not sure if I have done this correctly Kay, will see what happens x

  3. Me too Kay not sure if I have done it right. What is bloglovin I haven't heard anything about it. Love Alison xx

  4. I never use Google Reader, I just check out blog updates on the reading list in my blog account.

  5. I'm happy to say I'm already following you on bloglovin' Kay, you may have eight legs but there's no getting away from me lol.
    Hope you're feeling better xxx


hi,welcome to my blog.please leave a message so i know you have popped by and can return the favour.x