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Wednesday, 30 December 2015

My beloved Sam

Well it's certainly windy outside today and heavy rains are forecast all day. My heart goes out to those affected by the floods and make me grateful for my dry house.
I attended another Felting workshop run by the talented Joan Prowse who did a special master class for us all on request.
We all brought a photo of our chosen model and of course I had to choose Sam. Still miss him loads :-(

So first off all we had to create the basic shape of the head and start to build layers up. So grateful that Joan was on hand with expert tips and advice as really wanted to do justice to this

And this is the final version of my felted Sam. I even incorporated some of Sam's hair in his face to make it more special. Just need to go and get it framed now so I can have him near me at all times

And these were all the completed projects. What a amazing and talented bunch of ladies and also friends :-)

So if you fancy learning something new for 2016 I would highly recommend dry felting. I started out with a small flower and now the world is my oyster. Though as hubby says not another hobby lol


  1. Gorgeous Kay and i hope you had a lovely Christmas and wishing you a Happy New Year
    Dianne xx :)

  2. A wonderful project Happy Birthday for tomorrow and a very Happy New Year.

    Ginny x My Blog As I do Rodos

  3. How clever of you all Kay, looks really great...
    Happy New year and a Happy Birthday for tomorrow Kay....[good job Ginny jogged my scatty brain]

  4. Aw it's so hard to lose a furbaby :-(
    Your felting is brilliant :-)
    Have a wonderful birthday tomorrow Kay xxx

    Thanks for all your visits to my blogs. Happy 2016 to you and your family xxxx

  5. Its fabulous Kay, what a great keepsake xxx
    hope your card arrived ok xxx

  6. Terrific nice to do something to keep. Hope you're having a great birthday, my card is ready for tomorrow thank you. Enjoy 2016 Annx

  7. Amazing keep sake, and nice to put some of his hair in with it, the picture shows some amazing work done by your group. Congratulations on learning a new hobby.
    I wish you and your family a very happy new year

  8. Absolutely brilliant felting a beautiful keepsake and a very good likeness -Beast wishes for the New Year
    carol x

  9. Aww love it so life like,brought a tear to my eye.xx


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