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Monday 31 December 2012

Happy Birthday to me :)

Hi all,thanks for all the birthday messages for little old me who is the grand age of 44 today! My birthday has been a most unforgetable one and not for all the right reasons as the preschool i run got broken into so spent last night and all this morning dealing with police,insurance etc. The gits also broke into the school pool and trashed that but the police have fingerprints and dna so fingers crossed they catch them.
But thought i would show you some pics of my fabby presents i got today which has helped to cheer me up and i will be seeing in the new year with family later.

From my hubby and sons

From Tanmo

From Sandra

From Kelly

From Jane

From Ginny

So my day has turned out lovely in the end. If you want to see all the gorgeous handmade cards i got have a look here in my docrafts gallery
I would like to wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year and thanks for all your comments over this last year,x


  1. Oh dear, what a way to start your birthday. I really hope that the police catch them and make them pay for the damage.
    You have received some lovely goodies and gorgeous cards too. I hope you enjoy the rest of your special day.

  2. Happy birthday,
    And I wish you a very happy new year.

  3. What a lot of lovely cards and gifts. Such a shame that you had to spend so much time with the police. Why do so many folks think that they can mess up peoples life so badly?
    Hugs, Jackie xx

  4. hi kay sorry to hear you have had a bad time with the pre school but hope they catch the "gits" ... just wanted to pop by and say happy new year ... thank you so much for visiting me in 2012 ... where did that year go ?? happy crafting and love sandy xx

  5. Glad you had a wonderful day hugs Ginny x

  6. Glad you had a great birthday and wonderful presents but am sorry to hear the school was broken into....such morons....Happy New Year, Annette x


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